

Zhenwei Actively Combats Counterfeit Products

Recently, the Beijing Municipal Intellectual Property Office issued the "Notice on the Identification of Beijing Intellectual Property Pilot Demonstration Units in 2022", and Beijing Zhenweifang Food Co., Ltd. was recognized as the "Beijing Intellectual Property Pilot Unit" in 2022 ". This successful identification is the high recognition of Zhenweifang's outstanding ability in scientific and technological innovation, strategic layout of intellectual property rights and the combination of industry, university and research by Beijing Intellectual Property Office.


It is reported that Beijing's intellectual property pilot unit is an important part of Beijing's deepening of the implementation of the innovation-driven strategy and the capital's intellectual property strategy. It has won the honor of comprehensive evaluation in terms of intellectual property layout, scientific research funding, patent number, and intellectual property application. Beijing intellectual property pilot units can give priority to various types of intellectual property special funding support such as Beijing patent grants, patent commercialization, overseas intellectual property early warning and emergency assistance, and give priority to recommend participation in the cultivation of Beijing's national intellectual property demonstration enterprises and advantageous enterprises, Give priority to recommend and declare various national intellectual property special awards and awards.



Since its establishment, Zhenwei Square has attached great importance to independent innovation and intellectual property protection. As a "national high-tech enterprise", "Beijing specialized and special new enterprise" and "Zhongguancun high-tech enterprise", Zhenweifang has a complete R & D core technology and product layout. While strengthening research and development, we also resolutely defend the legitimate rights and interests of the "Zhenwei" brand, making intellectual property a core weapon to improve the competitiveness of enterprises.


Zhenwei Square has established an industry-leading R & D platform and team in its development, and has achieved fruitful results. Good results have been achieved in invention patents, software copyrights, utility model patents, appearance patents, trademark registration, and combating counterfeit products. At present, Zhenwei has as many as 75 valid patents and 367 valid trademarks, which is the company's competition in the industry. Maintaining a leading position has laid a solid foundation.



Adhering to the craftsman spirit of "excellence", we will innovate and upgrade products, packaging, product names, etc. every year. While continuously optimizing the packaging details, we will highlight the personalized style of Zhenwei products, which is welcomed by the market and consumers. This directly enhances the company's brand value, product sales and industry status, and the social awareness and reputation of Zhenwei products have also been greatly improved. However, as a well-known enterprise in the food industry, counterfeiting and infringement also occur from time to time, and there are more and more fake products in the market. Especially in the holiday markets such as Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival and Spring Festival, many fake consumer goods "take advantage of the situation" to imitate the packaging and product names, so as to achieve the purpose of "confusing the eyes of consumers with fake and real.


These Shanzhai products not only have various problems, but also are mostly sold through Tmall, Jingdong and other well-known e-commerce websites, which seriously interferes with the normal market order. This situation has seriously affected the vital interests of Zhenwei dealers and consumers. Zhenweifang has repeatedly taken up legal weapons to safeguard its legitimate rights and interests. Recently, the people's Court of Xicheng District of Beijing has made a civil judgment on the infringement of our trademark rights by "Meix". Our litigation request has been supported by the court, and our rights and interests have been protected by law. At the same time, we hereby declare that for intellectual property infringement, we find that we will deal with it together and will never accommodate it.


(Judgment-Zhen Wei wins the lawsuit for safeguarding rights according to law)


The pursuit and innovation of intellectual property rights is the driving force and core of the taste. At present, the "taste" brand in the industry has a very high market awareness and reputation. In the next step, Zhenwei Fang will continue to increase the enthusiasm of scientific research and innovation, increase the protection of intellectual property rights, use sincerity to achieve taste, and win the world with conscience. We will raise the sail of "taste" and let this giant ship sail steadily and far away!