

Analysis on Cultural Creativity of Cultural Creation in the Forbidden City

The Imperial Palace Wenchuang became popular again because of the palace series cosmetics. The Imperial Palace Wenchuang powder hopes to leave a message in the Imperial Palace Wenchuang Taobao store (hereinafter referred to as the Imperial Palace Taobao) and re-engrave out-of-print items. Understand the sales and popularity of cultural creation in the Forbidden City, from peripheral products to "Meng Yongzheng" seals, clothing, daily necessities, cosmetics and other cultural derivative products, sales are booming, don't think about the road to success of "Forbidden City cultural creation", then let's learn about the cultural creativity of cultural creation in the Forbidden City together!

The design concept rooted in culture, the design concept of "take the Forbidden City home. "Bringing back the culture of the Forbidden City" is the starting point for the development of the cultural products of the Forbidden City, but the research and development concept and landing point of the cultural and creative products of the Palace Museum hope that people can directly contact culture, feel culture, learn culture, induce thinking through culture, and sublimate spirit through thinking through the cultural and creative products of the Forbidden City.

The extraction of traditional cultural factors

As a representative of "Chinese style", the Forbidden City can excavate countless Chinese elements. The cultural creation of the Forbidden City designs from the details, embeds traditional cultural elements into fashionable modern handicrafts, perfectly combines with fashion, and realizes the service concept of "bringing the Forbidden City home" through the carrier of cultural products. Let more people understand and like the Forbidden City culture and traditional Chinese culture through cultural products.

palace element

The cultural and creative products of the Forbidden City are mostly combined with court factors, such as the Q version of the Ganlong Medal; The design prototype of the top box selected from the Forbidden Lantern Medal and the Palace Museum collection of red sandalwood Bo Gutu is the refrigerator sticker of the Three Palaces and Six Courts with a plaque, etc. The cultural creation of the Forbidden City has successfully integrated these things far away from the lives of ordinary people into the cultural creation of people, which is both interesting and rich in style.

calligraphy painting

Many calligraphy and paintings collected by the Palace Museum have also become the design elements of cultural and creative products, from the "I Know" paper tape of the National Palace Museum in Taipei, to the PS version of Emperor Yongzheng of the National Palace Museum in Beijing, the VR version of the "Qing Palace Beauty Picture", and now Various cultural creations with local small scenes of thousands of miles of rivers and mountains as patterns. The cultural and creative products of the Forbidden City vividly displayed the calligraphy and painting works hidden in the deep palace in front of the public, and successfully entered the homes of ordinary people.

Ancient real estate

The design elements of the "Qingfeng Xulai" series of ornaments sold in the Forbidden City come from a Biluoting in the Pavilion of Ganlong Garden. Biting is unique in shape and rich in color. Its plane is plum blossom. The upper layer aims at emerald green glazed tiles. The lower layer is on malachite blue glazed tiles. The lower layer is cut by amethyst glazed tiles. The waist is tied with a blue background and white Bingmei Baoding. It is extremely rare that the main color of Qingfeng Xulai series of ornaments is taken from the peacock blue Achilles tendon of Bilo Pavilion. In addition to accessories, Taobao in the Forbidden City is a very popular notebook computer named "The Forbidden City · Xiaozhenxing". The illustrations on the cover and inside pages are all selected from the buildings in the Forbidden City.

Rich product form

Stationery Products

The adhesive tape with various patterns in the cultural and creative products of the Forbidden City is attractive. The use of various elements of the Forbidden City makes the adhesive tape have decorative functions while retaining the traditional functions. However, the development of the use scene improves the aesthetic value of the Forbidden City adhesive tape. This is in harmony with Japan's "Cool Japan" strategy, a modern expression of traditional beauty, normalizing these elements and taking root in life. The success of the tape also led to the development of stationery products. The blue satin flat gold embroidered cloud crane is designed by the flying crane and Xiangyun on the tutor's Bian Yu robe, the white crane purple night note, the pen bag printed with the instructions of the emperors of the past dynasties, the pen container with the pattern on the porcelain and clothing, and the paperweight selected as the map of thousands of miles of rivers and mountains. daily necessities

In addition to stationery products, the Imperial Palace's cultural and creative daily necessities are also widely covered. Watches with North Pole Chart and Thousands of Miles of Rivers and Mountains Chart as the surface; Ruyi as the main shape of the key ring; The decoration and mobile phone frame based on the royal cat in the court; Dry treasure chest, suit edition and other color seals; The Palace Museum calendar and so on. Among them, the "customized" form of the Forbidden City calendar has strong competitiveness and development space in the gift market. Not only that, with the passage of time, the Palace Museum calendar in the role of market law, the collection value is more and more prominent.


The combination of cultural creation and cosmetics in the Forbidden City is even more amazing. The design of cultural and creative cosmetics in the Forbidden City breaks the design mode that has been stuck in product decoration, and makes full use of the cultural factors of the Forbidden City. The color of the lipstick is taken from the collection of the Palace Museum. such as lang kiln red, qing. Kangxi Lang kiln red glaze Guanyin Zun; bean paste red, Qing Kangxi colored cowpea red glaze chrysanthemum bottle.

New Media Brand Integrated Marketing Strategy

In the "Internet" era, the media that spread China's excellent traditional culture has become richer. The success of the Forbidden City's cultural creation is not only inseparable from excellent creativity and design results, but also inseparable from the formal merits of the new media brand integration camp.


As a new means of information dissemination, micro-blog spreads fast and has a large user base, which is very popular among young people and the following groups. This microblog not only has novel and interesting copywriting and humorous language style, but also combines modern popular network elements, movie elements, expression elements and other ways to attract reading and expand the promotion influence of the product. Frequently communicate closely with users, firmly grasp Twitter fans, and maintain the loyalty of fan users. This is an effective method of brand promotion.

WeChat (WeChat)

WeChat public number is also a means of transmission that cannot be ignored. As the main force of the cultural and creative promotion of the Forbidden City, the Imperial Palace Mall has published many articles on the theme of the cultural property displayed. The language style of the article is the same as @ Palace Museum Taobao, with humor as the main. The article is based on the new product by introducing the knowledge and stories related to the cultural property on display. In addition, the article is edited according to the display time using explosive seals and network terms. For example, in the article "How to Learn from Ancient Emperors" pushed on September 1, 2018, the seal of the popular TV series "Story of Yanxi Palace" was used to improve the interest and emolliency of the article.

Cross-border cooperation

The cross-border cooperation between the Palace Museum and online games to jointly launch the game "painting True Thousand Mountains" is another new attempt to integrate the marketing of the new media brand of cultural and creative products of the Palace Museum. The documentary "The Emperor's Day", "The Forbidden City · 100" variety show "National Treasure" and animation co-produced by Tencent "Shangxin · Forbidden City" and other cross-border products have created more brands of the Forbidden City through these marketing strategies. The success of cultural creation in the Forbidden City is enough to prove the correctness and feasibility of integrating cultural resources into people's lives.

The above introduction is an analysis of the cultural creativity of the Forbidden City. The museum covers thousands of years of history of the Chinese nation, has a rich collection of books and inherits the national spirit. The research and development of its cultural derivative products draws lessons from the experience of "cultural creation of the Forbidden City", takes public demand as the guidance, cultural creation as the core, takes "network" new media marketing as the means, and uses the cultural relics and Chinese traditional culture hidden in the museum to go out of the deep palace and go to the world in the form of cultural and creative products.


Forbidden City Wenchuang