

Innovation Leading, Science and Technology Empowerment-General Manager Ge Yunbing Won the Honorary Title of "National Food Industry Science and Technology Innovation Leader"

Recently, the list of projects and personnel to be awarded for the 2022 "Science and Technology Award of China Food Industry Association" was announced. Mr. Ge Yunbing, general manager of Beijing Zhenweifang Food Co., Ltd., was crowned "the leader of scientific and technological innovation", which is a very important award in China's food industry. This award is not only the industry's full affirmation of Mr. Ge Yunbing's scientific and technological innovation in the field of food industry, but also the display and embodiment of the scientific and technological level and scientific research strength of Zhenweifang company.


It is understood that the "China Food Industry Association Science and Technology Award" is the highest award in the national food industry. Since its establishment in 2003, it has played a huge role in encouraging scientific and technological innovation in the food industry, promoting the adjustment and upgrading of industrial structure, and enhancing the competitiveness of enterprises. The announcement of this public list is based on the "China Food Industry Association Science and Technology Award Measures", recommend by local food industry associations, strictly reviewed by industry experts, and selected on the basis of social publicity.



Mr. Ge Yunbing has been engaged in scientific and technological innovation, industrialization and branding research in the food industry for a long time. He is an expert member of the nut fried goods Professional Committee of China Food Industry Association, a member of the national standard drafting group of nut fried goods of China Food Industry Association, and a member of the national standard drafting group of nut and cereal industry. He has won many honors, such as "Beijing rural practical talents" and "Beijing outstanding entrepreneurs, in 2019, he participated in the formulation of the light industry standard QB/T5486-2020" Technical Specification for Storage of Nuts and Seeds "; In 2021, he won the second prize in the growth group of the" Fifth National Rural Entrepreneurship and Innovation Project Competition.


He has been deeply involved in the food industry for more than 20 years and has created a "taste" Chinese high-end nut brand. Mr. Ge Yunbing is actively involved in the innovative research and development and industrial upgrading of the nut food industry. He leads a group of like-minded people in Zhenwei, in the research and development of high-end nuts, zongzi, moon cakes, and New Year's holiday gift boxes, process innovation, food safety analysis and control, and food nutrition and health Research, food risk prevention and control research and other aspects have made active theoretical innovation and practical exploration. He regards quality as the first vitality of an enterprise, and always adheres to the combination of quality innovation and quality management. in terms of quality management, he has obtained a number of quality system certifications, such as "ISO9001 quality system certification", "HACCP system certification", "export Sitong certification" and "social responsibility audit certificate", showing consumers a safe and delicious taste on the tip of their tongue.


In order to develop more forward-looking nut products, he went to developed countries in Europe and the United States for many times, where he found that nut products had developed to the stage of refinement, easy to eat and fast, and high value-added, while most of the domestic products were still in the rough processing period. After returning from overseas inspections, he worked hard on products and kept improving, especially after seeing the country's good policies to support agriculture, especially "scientific and technological agriculture, brand agriculture, and industrialized agriculture. Despite the opposition of many people, he made up his mind and resolutely determined to set up a deep processing factory for agricultural and sideline products of nuts and nut peripheral products.



Due to his high-quality and high-standard requirements for factory construction, the original 7 million budget was increased to more than 3000 million, and the one-year construction period was also extended to three years. After three years of meticulous and solid construction, a new type of intelligent Internet information green factory has been bred. Only he knew best about the hardships and tiredness of these three years. Later, whenever he recalled these extraordinary years, he was always very proud and always had endless stories to tell, because he was deeply aware that in today's intelligent era, scientific and technological innovation is crucial to product quality and the survival and development of enterprises.


He insisted that "scientific and technological innovation is the first productive force" and always put "scientific and technological innovation" in the first place of the company's development. Under his vigorous promotion and leading participation, the science and technology research and development team continues to overcome difficulties and strengthen the industry's competitive technology barriers. Zhenweifang has 75 intellectual property rights and invention patents and 325 trademarks. It is a "national high-tech enterprise", "top 25 member enterprise of comprehensive economy (brand) of national nut roasted goods industry", "Beijing specialized and special new enterprise", "Zhongguancun high-tech enterprise", he has won many honors, such as "national key leading enterprise of agricultural industrialization", "excellent enterprise in Beijing", "top 100 good brands of agricultural products in China", "top 10 agricultural e-commerce companies most loved by Beijing farmers", "member of the standard-setting group for China's dry (strong) fruit fried goods in 2020", "national commercial quality award in 2020", "famous brand of dry (strong) fruit in 2020.


As a national key leading enterprise in agricultural industrialization, he also actively innovates the development model of agriculture, rural areas and farmers. To empower cooperatives and farmers to grow nuts with science and technology, give priority to the purchase of nut products of cooperative farmers, in order to give preferential policies with guaranteed prices higher than market prices, promote the development of rural industries, and help the development of local nut planting industry. At the same time, experts from Beijing Agricultural College are also hired to provide technical support to farmers to carry out the extension-free nut industry, cultural, creative, cultural and tourism industry, forming an integrated development of "production, learning, and research", which effectively enhances the economic added value of nut products. Drive the significant increase of local farmers' income and help rural revitalization!



As a member of the eighth and ninth committees of the CPPCC in Fangshan District, Beijing, he has repeatedly made suggestions for the scientific development of regional economy in Fangshan District. He has successively investigated, written and submitted a number of scientific and technological innovative proposals, such as the proposal for the Research and industrialization Development Project of Persimmon in Fangshan District, the proposal on the Construction of a Tourism Factory Research and experience Base, and the proposal on introducing "Beijing Gift" and Beijing time-honored brands to enhance the influence of Fangshan tourism commodities, the relevant departments have attached great importance to it, and some of the recommendations have been effectively implemented.


Over the past 20 years, Mr. GE Yunbing has the courage to be the first and the courage to innovate, integrating scientific and technological innovation into the food industry he is engaged in and loves, and he has never stopped on the road of innovation and exploration. "I am a technician. I always think about how to research and innovate some new things and new ideas when I have nothing to do. I love the career I like, and I will continue to study." This is what he often talks about. He said so and insisted on doing so.