

Fangshan TV Station's "Fangshan News" team went to Zhenwei Square for a special interview.

A few days ago, the "Fangshan News" column team of Beijing Fangshan TV Station conducted an interview with Beijing Zhenweifang Food Co., Ltd.Anti-epidemic, catch developmentA special report was made to fully affirm the contribution made by Zhenweifang in fighting the epidemic, maintaining supply and promoting regional economic development.



As a government guarantee enterprise, Zhenweifang always pays close attention to the progress of the epidemic, earnestly fulfills its social responsibility, and has repeatedly completed various guarantee tasks with quality and quantity. especially this year6Month3Day, under the cover of this epidemic specialCalm down.The Dragon Boat Festival, in order to timely send the festival warmth and blessings to the front line of the anti-epidemic, the taste of all the staff and the epidemic race, the company will rush to fight the epidemic of the guarantee order in the top priority.......Everyone worked day and night, racing against time, and completed the Fengtai District guarantee in the first place.810,000 emergency orders.


As the district and town key supply enterprises, leaders at all levels attach great importance to the taste workshop, and actively guide the enterprise epidemic prevention and control, resumption of work and production, guide enterprises to build a strong awareness of prevention and control, to ensure the stability of production and operation. Under the normal situation of epidemic prevention and control, Zhenweifang resolutely implemented the deployment requirements of the government's epidemic prevention and control work, and played a good role in ensuring the supply of enterprises.pacesetterrole.



One hand to fight the epidemic, one hand to grasp the production! Director Geng Desheng of the Great Supply Chain Center said in an interview:After receiving the notice of the resumption of work and production from the higher authorities, we responded positively and grasped the implementation. During the epidemic, the taste workshop encountered difficulties, and the district towns and villages sent service packages to solve the practical difficulties. The next step is to ensure food safety while doing an orderly job in the prevention and control of the epidemic, increase the production of nuts and baked cakes, and provide safe and healthy food for consumers.


As a leading national agricultural industrialization enterprise, in the face of the epidemic, we shoulder the mission, duty-bound. At present, the epidemic prevention and control of the taste square and the resumption of work and production work is solid progress, firmly believe that there is the strong leadership of the party and the government, there are all employees to go all out to overcome difficulties, will be able to overcome the epidemic, win the epidemic prevention and control of the war! In the next step of work, the taste of the square will strictly implement the government deployment, multi-measures, grasp the anti-epidemic to promote production, to do a good job of the supply, for the prevention and control of the epidemic to set an example, for production and construction as a pioneer.